Last Friday was European Day of Languages and Year 4 spent the day learning about all things Danish. 

We started the day by learning how to answer the register and thank our friends and teachers in Danish. To our surprise Miss Whitehead then introduced us to Danish pastry! 

As you can see Eduard and Kacper love them! 

 But Caden wasn't so sure... 

In maths we used videos to learn how to say numbers 1 - 20 in Danish. Miss Whitehead wouldn't let us listen to learn more, we had to work out how to say them ourselves! Once we looked at how to say 1 - 10, and the number 20, it wasn't so difficult. Did you know that in Danish you say the units before the tens?


We were able to use the capital city of Denmark to help with our current geography topic based on European cities. Did you know the capital city of Denmark is Copenhagen? We located it on an atlas and then used the laptops to research the city! 

We had a great day and I think some members of year 4 would like to visit Denmark to try out their Danish and eat a few more Danish pastries.