
Most of our Catholic children participate in their Sacramental Programme journey in Year 3 and this is continued during their High School years. The Programme is led by Parish Catechists and supported by school staff. School newsletters and PA Connect notifications remind families of key dates including preparation and Programme Masses. 

Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession)

Our children will receive this Sacrament this academic year.

Dates to be confirmed in due course.


Sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion)

Our children will receive this Sacrament in May 2024.


First Holy Communion Resources

See resources below that can help you to support your child's Holy Communion Journey.


Supporting your child and understanding of the Holy Mass. 

Patty Ganley (Our Chair of Governors) – Taking your children to Mass 

Is it wrong to be bored at Mass?

Mass is amazing

Jesus died for a reason

Real Presence

Stay with it

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