All About Maple

Since Christmas 2021, Maple our Cavapoo, has been coming into school every day with Mrs Clegg to help children with their learning and behaviour. Maple has settled in really well and now is an important part of our St Anne’s family.

What are the benefits of a school dog?

•            A calming effect on pupils, particularly those with behavioural or learning difficulties

•            Encouraging expression and participation in more withdrawn children

•            Fostering a sense of responsibility

•            Improved behaviour, attendance and concentration, reduced stress and improved self-esteem

•            Motivating pupils to think and to learn

•            Enthusiasm for, and enjoyment of animals

•            Encouraging respect and thereby improving pupils’ relationships with each other, parents and teachers

•            Teaching children to nurture and respect life

•            Helping work undertaken with the most vulnerable children, and educational improvements with lower achievers

•            Helping children build confidence in reading


What is special about a Cavapoo?

Maple is bred from a Cavalier King Charles Mum and a red Toy Poodle Dad. They are described as –

great family pets and are known for their affectionate and friendly nature. They love human interaction and enjoy playing at home or in the park.

How has the school planned for this?

•            A full risk assessment has been carried out and specific insurance has been obtained for a dog on the school premises

•            All contact with children will be carefully planned and children will not be left unsupervised with Maple

•            When not 'working', Maple will be based in Mrs Clegg's office - her ‘Time Out’ space  

What about allergies?

•            Maple is a Cavapoo (a mix of a cavalier and a poodle). The poodle element means that she has very low allergy and non-shedding qualities

•            All areas of the school are vacuumed and surfaces are wiped down daily

•            Any child working with Maple will wash their hands after

•            A full management plan will be introduced regarding problems arising from any allergies (to date, there have been none)

What level is her training?

Maple is currently taking part in training to receive the Kennel Club's Good Citizen Award.


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