Luke 1:37

‘For nothing will be impossible with God.’ 


God is the source of creativity since He is the Creator. We are all creative because we are all built in the image of God, whether we are painters, seamstresses, designers, musicians, or anything else. Our qualities mirror an equally exceptional God. By utilising and developing our God given gifts, nothing is impossible with God.


We want our children to be able to express themselves in a variety of mediums. And by their artistic skills spread happiness and joy. Preach the good news/ Gospel in a variety of ways, expressing God’s teachings through art.


“Art should be something that liberates your soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.” – Keith Haring

Lead Artist: Miss Yorke

At St Anne’s art is embedded in the curriculum. All pupils access direct art teaching and this learning makes links to other areas of curriculum. Children benefit from a range of opportunities including drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, collage and textiles.

We aim to provide our children with the opportunity to develop their creative skills. Our approach to art is to allow children to practice self-discipline, self-reflection, commitment and work ethic. We aim to provide children the understanding and confidence to discuss great art and artists in detail sharing their own opinion and reasoning as well as the techniques that the artist used. The result is children who, not only have a secure educational foundation, but also have the ability to think 'outside the box' and channel their creativity, enabling them to succeed in this rapidly changing world.





Art Documents


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