Manchester Local Offer

Manchester Local Offer helps children and young people with SEND up to the age of 25 and their parents/carers in the Manchester City Council area understand what services and support they can expect locally. This includes their statutory entitlements which are required by law.  We're a statutory service. Every local authority has a Local Offer, although they might look different in each area. In Manchester, we're a small team sitting within Children and Families in Manchester City Council. 


Talbot House - 0161 203 4095

Talbot House is a charity that provides support services for parents and unpaid carers of people with severe learning disabilities who live in the Manchester area.
How we support our carers;
One to one support
Advocating for carers
Information about benefits
Brief Interventions
Help with form filling, letter writing
Emotional and wellbeing Support
Our THRIVE service for elderly carers (see our THRIVE section)
Housing, education concerns and much more ...


SENDIASS - 0161 209 8356

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) offers information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This service is also offered directly to young people and professionals.
The service is free, impartial and confidential. 
What can we help with:
SEND Support
Making informed decisions
EHC needs assessments
Legal processes


Manchester Carers Centre - 0161 272 7270

Manchester Carers Centre was established in 1997 as an independent voluntary organisation. We deliver a range of FREE, high quality support services for unpaid Carers in our City. These services include, practical help, community drop-ins, respite breaks, social activities, access to grants and training, and a dedicated Young Adult Carers Service for 16-25 year old Carers.


External Agencies

At St Anne’s we are very lucky to have access to a wide range of external agencies.  We reach out to these services to gain expert views and input to support our children in school and to make adjustments within their school day to ensure they can achieve their full potential.

Emma Forshaw – Educational Psychologist

Emma works with children and families to offer support regarding learning and development.  Suggested strategies and resources may be related to learning needs, sensory preferences, emotional regulation, behaviour, trauma support.  Emma will do some direct work with the children, meet the family, class teacher and SENDCo and support school with an EHCP request if this is felt needed.

Becky Cooper – Occupational Therapist

Becky works with children and families to enable children with physical, learning and mental health needs to participate in and successfully manage the activities that they want or need to do at home, at school or work and during their free time.  Becky works one day a week in school.  Becky will work directly with specific children or groups of children, support teachers with in class strategies, support families with strategies and resources to use at home, attend EHCP annual review meetings and deliver CPD/workshops for staff and parents.

Cat Lappin – Speech and Language Therapist

Parents who are concerned about a child’s speech (speech sounds, unclear speech, missing key sounds within words) should discuss with class teacher who can complete a speech sounds referral and send this off to clinic.  Speech therapy is not done within school this would be delivered by a speech and language therapist offsite and parents attend with their child.
Cat works with children who have language and communication needs.  Cat works within school one day a week.  She will do some direct work with the children, get developmental history from parents/carers, support teachers with in class strategies, write reports to support EHCP application if required.  The core role of a speech and language therapist working in school is to support and enable children to reach their full communicative and educational potential and remove or reduce the barriers that their speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) present to their learning.


Neil Ford – Play therapist

Neil works with children within school on a 1:1 basis to explore their feelings, emotions, behaviours through play.  Neil works in school one day a week.  Play therapy is a therapeutic treatment approach specifically developed to help children between the ages of three to 12 years old. A trained mental health professional, called a play therapist, works with a child to explore, and resolve problems through the therapeutic use of play.  Neil works closely with the class teacher and families to ensure that the child feels supported within school and at home.


We also have strong links with CAMHS, MThrive, YouthZone, Bowker Vale and Bridgelea Outreach service.  Please speak to your child’s class teacher should you require further information about these services




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