(Example images at bottom of the page)


EYFS Uniform:

  • White polo shirt - compulsory
  • Grey or black trousers/ dress/ skirt - compulsory
  • Navy jumper/ cardigan - compulsory
  • Plain black shoes/boots/ trainers - compulsory
  • White, grey or black socks or tights - compulsory

KS1 & KS2 Uniform:

  • White shirt - compulsory
  • School tie - blue and silver which can be purchased from Ziggys - compulsory
  • Grey/ black trousers/ dress/ skirt - compulsory
  • Navy jumper/ cardigan - compulsory
  • Plain black shoes/ boots/ trainers - compulsory
  • White, grey or black socks or tights - compulsory

Tracksuit bottoms, football shirts or jeans are not considered to be appropriate uniform and are therefore not permitted.

Jumpers/ cardigans:

Please ensure that these are navy blue- be advised that these do not need to have the school St Anne’s badge on them.


We expect the children to wear plain black shoes, boots or trainers.


Children should tie long hair back neatly- with unfussy bands / bobbles / slides to avoid it being pulled or caught, especially during playtimes and PE. Children should not have tramlines or patterns cut into their hair (again to avoid competition between children over latest trends).


The wearing of any kind of jewellery (bracelets, necklaces etc) except watches in school is not allowed. School cannot be held responsible for any lost or damaged items. Children who want to have their ears pierced, should wait until the beginning of the summer holidays to allow healing time, after which the earrings can safely be removed before coming into school. Children are NOT to wear any form of earring to school; this is a safety risk.

PE kit:

  • Navy Shorts - compulsory
  • Plain white T-shirt or white T-shirt with or without the school logo (Which can be purchased from Ziggys- compulsory
  • Black plimsolls /trainers - Black plimsolls are most appropriate for indoor and outdoor activities although older children may wear trainers for outdoor activities.
  • Bare feet for Gymnastics
  • Children may wear tracksuits for outdoor PE, especially in cold weather.
  • Football shirts or strappy tops are not permitted for PE lessons or after school clubs.

School Bags:

We would like all children to have a St Anne’s school bag (which can be purchased from Ziggys). Rucksacks and fashion bags must not be brought to school as there is no room to store them.



Our Uniform Provider

Ziggys Schoolwear

North City Shopping Centre

20 Lee Rd


M9 4DH


0161 205 6171

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