At St Anne’s we feel very lucky to work with a diverse range of children with SEND and our staff work hard to deliver the best education we can for them.  We recognise that each child has a unique gift or talent to offer and we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure that each child can achieve and flourish.

“All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs.”

Mrs Delves                                Miss Harrison

                                                                                SENDCo                              Assistant SENDCo

To contact someone from our SEND Team please call 0161 740 5995 or email


What is the school ethos/approach to SEN and Disability (SEND)?

Our main ethos around SEND is that... 

"All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs"

Quote taken from SEND code of practice 2015. 

We believe in "quality first teaching", ensuring that all children have high quality, differentiated teaching to support them, whether they do or do not have SEND.

At St Anne's RC Primary School we meet regulartly to review the quality of teaching for our children and to put into place intervention strategies for any children at risk of under achieving. This means that, where appropriate, we may need to review strategies and improves teacher's understanding of specific needs. As part of this we may source Outreach from specialists. 

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External Agencies


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