Staff development and training is incredibly important at St Anne's. We strive to develop as staff and are always learning.

Staff are required to complete relevant training and awareness courses as part of their development but also to ensure St Anne's is a safe learning environment for all children.

Please see below list of training and awareness courses that all staff are required to complete. These training courses are renewed and re-completed at the appropriate time.

Training Type

Course Name

Course Overview


Level 1 Safeguarding This course is designed to meet the needs of those employed in a school setting, and details your role and responsibilities.
Level 3 Safeguarding Safeguarding Level 3 for Children is one of our most in depth courses and is designed for managers/practitioners who frequently come into contact with children and their families.
Prevent Training The course completed by staff, outlines the Prevent duty for professionals, relevant guidance and legislation, and how staff might approach different situations appropriately.
Equality & Diversity Training Promoting an equal and diverse workplace can be of huge benefit to any organisation, as different people's experiences can build a richer tapestry together.
FGM Awareness The course is intended to raise awareness of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), approaches staff may take to a situation and what staff can do to help prevent FGM from happening.
CSE Awareness The course aims to give professionals working within education a greater understanding of child sexual exploitation, how to detect and prevent it, and how this ties into staff's broader safeguarding role.
County Lines Awareness The awareness course defines the term 'County Lines', provides background about what County Lines activity is, how gangs operate, and how this ties into staff's broader safeguarding role.
Sexism in Schools This course is designed for teachers, governors and school staff to explore trends of sexism within a school environment, plus what they can do to combat this and promote equality.
Domestic Violence This course is designed to give a clear understanding of what domestic violence is, its impact on individuals and families, how you can spot the signs of domestic violence and how this ties into your broader safeguarding role.
Child on Child Abuse This course provides staff with the knowledge and skills to understand and effectively address child-on-child abuse and bullying within your setting.
Anti-bullying It aims to develop your understanding of bullying and those most at risk and improve confidence in preventing and responding to bullying.
Online Safety Gain the skills and confidence you need to help keep children safe online and respond appropriately to any concerns.
LGBTQ Awareness The awareness course is intended to give an overview of the term 'LGBTQ' and what that means to different people, with a view to making our work and learning environments more inclusive.

Mental Health

Undestanding Children's Mental Health Mental health is a vital part of everybody's wellbeing. As a professional working with children, this course will improve staff knowledge of children's mental health, how to spot signs of deteriorating mental health, and how to respond appropriately.
Understanding Self-Harm and how to support children and young people Self-harm is not a mental health problem within itself but indicative of an underlying mental health problem. Young people may self-harm for a number of reasons, but primarily it is known as a way people cope with acute periods of adversity and feel in control when everything else feels out of control.
Mental Health for Teachers Teaching can be a very taxing profession. This course aims to raise awareness of the mental health continuum, recognise poor mental health in yourself and colleagues, and develop resilience and supportive techniques.
Mental Health First Aider Qualification The Mental Health First Aid courses take a uniquely practical approach to creating competent and confident workplace first aiders. Mental health first aiders can spot the signs and respond to the mental and physical health needs of a person experiencing a mental health issue.

Health &


Health & Safety Training This certified Health & Safety in the Workplace course teaches the importance of high standards of health and safety, signage and how to identify and manage risks. Upon successful completion, staff will receive a RQF Level 1/SCQF Level 4 qualification.
Food Hygiene Level 1 The Level 1 Food Hygiene and Safety course is to educate those who don’t work directly with preparing or handling food, but work in an environment where food is handled.

First Aid

Emergency First Aid at work First aid covered, the role of a first aider, scene safety, unresponsixe casualties, choking, safe us of a Defibrillator, recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis, resuscitation & CPR, burns/scalds, bleeding, seizures and shock.
Asthma Training Asthma training for schools enables staff and children to create a safer environment. This course keeps children safe as it will explore the following: Identifying Asthamtic triggers. Recognising asthma symptoms.
Diabetes Training Trained healthcare professionals will give you diabetes and lifestyle information and the practical skills you need to self-manage your diabetes. You’ll learn about diabetes and glucose, health changes, monitoring and medications, and how to make good food choices and stay active.
Epi-pen Training This course for all school staff covers common causes of allergic reactions, symptoms of anaphylaxis, how to use adrenaline auto-injectors, and how to manage pupils with allergies in school, including responsibilities, risk assessment, Allergy Action Plans, allergy bullying, storage of adrenaline auto-injectors and practical scenarios.
Anaphylaxis Training This training course will teach you all about allergies - including how to deal with an emergency anaphylaxis scenario by utilising the adrenaline pen medications in your school's Anaphylaxis Kitts.


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