As part of our aim to establish strong links between school, parents and pupils, this section includes information about the curriculum we teach at St. Anne’s.


To all our pupils:


Every day at St Anne’s, the staff and governors are working to make sure that by the time you leave us:


  • You will embrace each other’s differences and show kindness and forgiveness to those around you, journeying towards a shared understanding of God’s love for one another.
  • You will understand how unique you are, believe in yourself and have confidence in your abilities.
  • You will have experienced learning in many creative forms, though music and art, science, drama and debating. Through using the outdoors and practical activities, making extensive use of our: school grounds, local area and beyond.
  • You will feel a part of your community and be proud of your school.
  • You will understand the shared responsibility we have to look after God’s World and encourage others to do so.
  • You will know the importance of making mistakes and spend your time learning and achieving from them.
  • You will know what it feels like to succeed and have achieved your very best
  • You will love learning new things and want to keep learning more by being inquisitive and asking questions.
  • You will know and understand friendship and have learned how to get along.


At St Anne's, we ensure our children receive high quality teacher and learning on a day-today basis, not only in our classrooms but also in experiences we provide. Our school places high value on the learning environment, both in and outdoors, that our children are exposed to every day. Through this approach, we believe we secure the best possible learning environment for children to grow and flourish as learners and people.

Curriculum Overview

At St Anne’s School we offer an exciting, deep, rich, challenging and experiential curriculum which inspires learning, identifies talents, promotes achievement and celebrates personal achievement.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive and flourish.  Teachers make learning experiences challenging and inspiring; nurturing a lifelong love of learning.  We aspire for every child to be a confident, responsible, successful, innovative and independent learner.  Our school focuses on success for all, delivering an education that equips everyone with the tools to enter the world, ready to make a difference and leave their legacy. 

Our curriculum offer ensures that all our children become engaged, active and responsible citizens who recognise and value their contribution to British society and its institutions and that they gain a perspective of themselves as both local and global citizens.

We endeavour to fulfil the potential of every child academically, socially, morally, spiritually and culturally in order to prepare them for the next stage of their education and their life beyond school and help them to look after their own mental health and well-being.

Religious Education is at the core of everything we do and we plan our curriculum so that we can take every opportunity to view, with awe, the wonders of all elements of God's world.


Our curriculum has been designed around the requirements of the National Curriculum and the needs of our children. We work with lots of external partners and are influenced by educational research. We also model what we say to the children about continuous self-improvement and work closely with Manchester University on evaluating the impact of our work.


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) comprises of Nursery and Reception.  Please see the EYFS Teaching and Learning policy for more information.

Key Stage 1 comprises of Year 1 and Year 2.  Key Stage 2 comprises of Years 3-6.

In Key Stage 1 and 2, History, Geography, Art, DT and Science are taught mostly with engaging and high quality texts as the starting point. English is linked to a carefully selected set of high quality texts, if appropriate and relevant. Maths, Phonics, Guided Comprehension, Computing, PSHE, Music, RE and PE are mainly taught discreetly if and when required. In years 4-6, children are taught Latin discreetly. 

Our curriculum is underpinned by a vibrant range of enrichment activities including high quality trips and visitors which enhance the learners’ understanding.

Click on the subject links above to find out more information about each of the areas of learning.

Subject leaders, alongside the Senior Leadership Team (including the Curriculum Lead Mrs Clegg), play an important part in the success of the curriculum through a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review.  Through this rigorous practice we adapt the curriculum, when needed to the needs and interests of the learners ensuring the inclusive nature of the school is maintained. The impact of this ever-evolving curriculum enables all young people to have confidence take risks with their learning and succeed despite the challenges they may face. Subject leaders then revise these plans if required to ensure the children at St Anne's are receiving a broad and balanced curriculum that is innovative and creative.

By instilling lifelong learning, resilience and innovation we secure a creative, successful and fulfilling future journey through life for all.

Any questions you have about the curriculum can be addressed by class teachers or Mrs Clegg, the curriculum lead.

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