Year 5s African workshop

On the 17th of October year 5 had an African workshop. The woman who came to teach us was called Maisie and she came for one day, she was very energetic.

First we got into a circle and we introduced ourselves to Maisie. Then we practised facial expressions because that is what they did to express themselves to their gods. after we practised a song called cummala and we called and responded to Maisie, then we tried whilst singing and clapping our hands and knees. Once we were pros with that we sang, clapped our hand and knees and we MARCHED all at the same time!

Once all of that was over Maisie put us into groups and we were different animals such as Elephants, tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes, zebras and we could look like Africans at harvest.

After all of the hard work we had a break were we could have a drink and we chatted to our friends.then maisie taught us a story about people at the african harvest we closed our eyes and imagned that we were at an african festival.

After break we went up to class and maisie give us parts to say in the assembly. We said the story what maisie told us before.also we practised a dance that they do in the festival.

In the afternoon everybody was excited , nervous and happy but there was a lot more emotions that spread troughout the classroom.we went down to the hall to set up and we practised one more time the time went by to 2:15 and the parents started ariving once everybody was in the hall and we started.the time went so fast it wasn’t even real. Then it was the end of the day so then we packed away and we all thanked maisie for all the hard work that she put in for a great performance.