Last week, year 4 had a visit from a Roman soldier!! Many of us first saw him in the playground greeting children as they arrived for school. He taught us lots about himself, the Roman Empire and Roman Britain. We even learnt some Latin! Also we were able to have a close look at Roman objects, many we had never heard of before. 


Some children came to school dressed in Roman clothing but throughout the day, many children had the chance to dress up using Strabo's clothes. Kieron was lucky enough to dress up as a Roman Soldier. Strabo showed us how good the Romans's armour was by using a sword. Thankfully, Kieron was wearing all of the armour and was not hurt! 



Later in the afternoon we tried out different Roman formations using shields and swords. This was our favourite part of the day, we really felt like we were part of the Roman army. Miss Whitehead looked slightly shocked at how fierce we all could be. 

It was great learning so much from Strabo about all aspects of Roman life. After meeting him, I am glad that I do not have to fight in the Roman army, it was fun pretending but it sounded gruesome and mean, I don't know how Strabo does it! 


We we hope he comes back soon !