Today, was the start of Walk to School Week, where thousands of children across the country, will be walking in the morning to get to school. Despite the rain, lots of children in year 4 walked to school to get their first sticker on our wall chart. 


We started the day with an assembly. Our special visitors asked us how we travelled to school this morning. Some children travelled in the car but lots of children walked. Look at all those hands!


Then, we started to think about why walking to school is so beneficial. Lots of children knew that it helps keeps us healthy. Darrel knew that it was good for the environment and saves our parents money. The nicest thing is that when we walk to school we get to talk to our family and friends. 

Before heading back to our classrooms another special visitor arrived to say hello, STRIDER! Strider encouraged us all to walk to school and gave us a big wave hello. As we left the hall, we all got the chance to give him a high five!

We are looking forward to walking to school this week. Even if we need to put on our wellies and pick up an umbrella!