Year 3 had a very busy day on Friday. We started by learning how to count, say the days of the week, months of the year and colours in Spanish. We used some songs to help us to remember. Ulysses helped us because he speaks Spanish at home. 

In the afternoon we prepared our ingredients for our Spanish Food Festival. We had to chop lots of onions and peppers and peeled lots of potatoes! We cracked 30 eggs in total to make our Tortilla Espanol (Spanish Omelette).









Then we prepared the dough and chocolate dipping sauce for our Churros (a bit like doughnuts). We had to roll lots of strips of dough and Mrs Haggett fried them in very hot oil unitl they were nice and brown and crispy! 









We all enjoyed tasting the food we had made, but most people's favourite was the churros with chocolate.