In science we have been learning how to classify animals using a key. Did you know that a new species of frog has been found in New York? Scientists spent 2 years trying to classify it. 

We wanted to use a key ourselves to explore how they work, so as a class we first started by trying to classify biscuits! This means we wanted to organise and group them. It was very hard not to eat them as Miss Whitehead bought the nice ones! We managed it though, we had to ask lots of questions. 

After working as a class, we returned to our science groups and created our own key to classify sweets. We were not so eager to eat these ones as lots of us do not like liqurish! Through some team work we created our key and Miss Whitehead gave us a new sweet to classify! Some of us had a completely new kind of sweet. 


At the end of the lesson, Miss Whitehead kindly said we could all eat one of the sweets but not every one enjoyed them !