The children in Year 3 have been busy this weekend (and indeed this half term!), continuing their journey on the Sacramental Programme.

Earlier in May was a huge day for us! We received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the very first time! We were very nervous beforehand, but felt like we had a new life and a new start afterwards!

Last Saturday, with Father Glover, we learnt about vocations and Ulysses even got to dress as a priest!

On Sunday, we went to Mass to celebrate Palm Sunday and participated in the blessing of the palms and a palm procession. As usual, Mrs Haggett and the parishioners said we read our bidding prayers beautifully!

CJ did an amazing job, reading part of the Passion of Jesus, to help us to remember the suffering Jesus endured for us. Father Glover and Mrs Haggett were so proud of him!