Addition & Subtraction KS1 Parent Workshop
Thank you to all of the parents and children who attended our maths workshop. The aim of the workshop was to explain some of the methods for teaching addition & subtraction in KS1 so parents have a clear understanding of how these concepts are taught in school. Everyone had great fun working…
Fun in Music
In music this term we've had lots of fun learning about keeping the beat and playing rhythms. We've learnt lots of new songs and learnt to name and play some amazing mucsical instruments.
Our Class Baptism
In RE we have been learning about symbols used in Baptism. We then role played our own class Baptism!
Healthy Me!
Our topic during Science Week was 'Healthy Me.' We learnt about lots of different ways to keep our bodies healthy.
We found out about what a healthy diet looks like and had a special visit from a lady from Tesco who brought in lots of different fruits and vegetables to taste.
We made £20 growwww!
Y2S decided to bake cakes and sell them to other classes in order to make £20 grow. First we went to Tesco to buy the ingredients then the fun really started when we began baking! We had An amazing time baking and decorating cupcakes and chocolate crispy cakes. Then we used our maths skills to…
Strike a Pose!
In literacy we enjoyed reading The Pig's Knickers by Jonathan Emmet. This book is full of adventurous verbs to describe how the pig moved around the farm with the confidence of his great new knickers. To help us understand these verbs so we could use them in our own writing, we freeze framed some…
Waterproof Investigation
In science our class were given the challenge of trying to find a good material that a robot called BP could make a waterproof coat from. We tested felt, cotton, tissue paper and plastic. In the end we decided plastic was the best material because it is light and waterproof. Now BP won't rust…
Queen Victoria II's Coronation
We have been researching the life of Queen Victoria II this half term in our topic work. Also we found out all about her Coronation and what it would have been like to be there. As a class, we then re-enacted our own version of the Coronation!
Fun with maths
We have been having lots of fun in maths this week carrying out lots of problem solving activities related to weight.
Our New Prayer Area
In Year 2 we have created a class prayer area which is a focal point when we pray together. We also use this area for our own quiet prayer time when we can write our own prayer for the prayer box, respond to big questions in RE or write down any worries and attach them to the worry…
Y2 Visit the Marist Centre
Year 2 have had a fantastic day at the Marist Convent with Sister Anne & Sister Sylvia. We created beautiful flowers describing ourselves then made up a rap, song, poem or prayer about growing in love. After that we created our own role plays using a line from a prayer! They were very…
Tinga Tinga Art
As part of our topic on Africa we have created some pictures of African animals on the Savannah in the style of Tinga Tinga. First we painted the background then we chose an African animal and created their unique coat using paints. We are very proud of our work!