Welcome to Year 1L.

Please take a moment to read our curriculum forecast detailing the topics we will be studying this term.



In Science we have been very busy collecting leaves falling from the trees and creating an Autumn collage.


In Literacy we read a story called Knuffles Bunny. The bunny gets lost in the Laundromat so Trixie had to run back to the shop and get it. We are writing about our toy getting lost. 



In science we drew around our bodies and labelled them. We are learning all about our bodies.


In numeracy we have been looking at number bonds to 5 and 6. Today we used cubes and number fans in our pairs to count number bonds to 5. 


12.9.14 - Congratulations to Alexandria and Mohammed, who were this weeks Star pupils. Well done!

5.9.14 - Congratulations to Heli and Witold, who were this weeks Star pupils. Well done!