Outdoor Literacy

Mrs McIver and Mrs Hodson’s Literacy have been learning the story – Toys in Space by Mini Grey. It has a lot of wonderful characters and we have even been adding in our own fantastic characters like Mrs Mouse, who is really a cuddly cat or Belle the pretty doll with long hair.  We have been…

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ORGANised Sound

Before half term year 4 and 5 were invited to visit Bridgewater Hall. While we were there we learnt all about a special instrument called an organ. It is very difficult to play. The musician can use their hands and feet at the same time to create the sounds. Did you know that the organ at…

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Head Shoulders Knees & Toes

Image of Head Shoulders Knees & Toes

Reception have been very busy this week doing lots of wonderful work.

We decided to give our brains a break before our phonics lesson and had a quick dance to Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.



Click on the link to see a video clip of us having fun after all…

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Strider kicks off Walk to School Week

Image of Strider kicks off Walk to School Week

Today, was the start of Walk to School Week, where thousands of children across the country, will be walking in the morning to get to school. Despite the rain, lots of children in year 4 walked to school to get their first sticker on our wall chart. 


We started the day with an…

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We are programmers!

Image of We are programmers!

Today Year 3 have been to Abraham Moss to learn about programming. We used an app called Hopscotch on the ipads to write programs to draw pictures of 3 famous Manchester Landmarks. We really enjoyed our learning and Mrs Riley was very impressed with our programming skills, our listening and…

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Marist Centre

Image of Marist Centre

Year 3 had a fantastic day at the Marist Centre yesterday. We learnt about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and did some lovely prayer presentations to the Holy Spirit.

Also, we learnt 6 words to help us to understand the importance of the different parts of the mass - COME - SORRY, LISTEN, OFFER,…

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Underwater Street

Image of Underwater Street

Reception and Nursery had a wonderful time today! All the children enjoyed a range of activities and many needed a quick nap on the way home! All staff were very proud of the children’s wonderful behaviour. 


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Keeping Safe

Image of Keeping Safe

As part of Drug Safety Week Reception have been looking at safety in the home. Elmers read Tiger’s Home to discover dangerous substances that can be found in the kitchen or bathroom.


(click on the link to read it at home)

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The effects of smoking


This week, as part of the school Drug Safety Week we have been investigating the effects of smoking on our bodies and wallets! 


We we have discovered some of the many nasty chemicals and ingredients that form a cigarette. Did you know that a chemical found in rat poision is also…

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Crumpsall Park

Image of Crumpsall Park

Reception went for a walk around Crumpsall Park this week to look for new life. We found lots of flowers, plants, blossom and a birds nest.


Please ask your child about any new life they have seen at home as we move into Spring and we carry on talking about The Resurrection.  


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Soil Investigation

Image of Soil Investigation

In Year 3 we have been investigating different types of soil to see which ones allowed the most water to pass through them.

First we put 100 ml of soil into a funnel. Next we put the funnel in a small measuring cup. Then we poured in 100ml of water and timed it for 2 minutes. After two minutes…

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Curriculum Overview Summer 1

See what we are learning in Year 3 this half term.


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