We went to Egypt

Yesterday, year 4 went to Egypt with Google expedition. When we placed the box in front of our eyes and saw the pyramids of Giza. As we moved our head what we saw moved too. Everything felt lifesized, as if we were really stood in the dessert. It was amazing! 

We heard that other classes went…

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Biscuit eating!

Image of Biscuit eating!
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Biscuit decorating

Image of Biscuit decorating
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Science week - Biscuits!

Image of Science week - Biscuits!

We discovered that biscuits were made from flour, butter, sugar and a little bit of vanilla extract. We rubbed the ingredients together, rolled out the dough and then made our biscuits with cutters. Finally, we put them in the oven until they were ready. 

Once they were cooked, we decorated…

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Year 4 street dance

This afternoon, a dance teacher from Our Lady's high school visited us to do a fantastic lesson. We learnt different kinds of jumps and routines. Some moves were quite difficult, but we kept on practising!



We even tried a move called the helicopter


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Biscuit week in 4W

We have loved our biscuit focus in science this week. We started by creating our own questions of things we wanted to find out. For example Haaroon asked if biscuits crumbled differently in hot and cold water. Georgia wanted to know how much weight can be put on a biscuit before it crumbles. Lots…

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Measuring in 1L

Image of Measuring in 1L

We have been busy measuring in year 1L this week. We have used rulers and cubes to measure different things in our classroom like our tables, books, whiteboards and even our feet!! We have used a table to record our findings. 

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Maths in Reception


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Science Week - Investigation

Image of Science Week - Investigation

Today, Mr Cotton showed us some strange bags filled with something mysterious. we squeezed the contents and thought about what might be inside. We talked to our friends and decided that it  might be sand, breakfast, bread or weetabix. Mr Cotton opened the bag and started to eat the sand! Bur…

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Poppy Day

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Reading in Reception

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Skyping John Bercow

This morning, 4E kindly invited 4W to their Skype session with John Bercow. John is the speaker of the House of Commons and loves his job. We asked him questions about his job and for his opinions on things happening around the world. 

He told us that he voted to remain in the…

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