
Last week, we had our first lesson with the new music teacher. We started by playing some singing games to get to know each other. Next, we were put into groups and given a selection of instruments. We all played different rhythms with our instruments and were encouraged to be unique and creative.…

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In year 4 this term, we have all become cheerleaders! Last week, we learnt lots of different positions including the ready stance, liberty, high and low V. This week, we were put into different groups and given the challenge to create our own routines using the positions we had learnt. We had…

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Our first week back



We were all really excited to come back to school and see what everybody had been up to and start all of our new topics! 


Monday is swimming day. It was clear that lots of children had been swimming over half term as the swimming instructors were impressed with our…

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The Torah


Over the past couple of weeks, we have been learning about Judaism, with special attention on the Torah. This was the focus of our learning log homework. Once again, year 4 made a great effort, sharing everything they have learnt at school and home in their books and creations.…

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What a week!



We are having a great week in year 4. 

Monday is our favourite day as we go swimming!! We are getting stronger and more confident each week. On Tuesday, we were trying out different balances and trying to support each other in PE. We really had to trust our partners and just as…

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Miss Whitehead take us to...

As part of our learning log homework, last week, we had to persuade Miss Whitehead to take year 4 on a trip to a city of our choice. Lots of the class wanted to go to Paris. Various different Eiffel Towers were bought in, including one handmade by Molly. 

Eljanna created a map of Poland and…

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Learning logs in year 4




Last week year 4 did some great work at home for their learning log activity - to research a place of worship. Molly and some other children added the personal touch by adding pictures from their confirmation. Eljanna interviewed her Jewish friends about their place of worship, a…

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Back to school



We really enjoyed coming back to school and exploring all the changes to our new class and the new the classrooms up stairs! It all looks great and we are going to try hard to keep looking so shiny and new. 

Miss Whitehead spent the day getting to know us and we got to know her too.…

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Day of many colours

Today we celebrated our diversity by wearing our national in colours. In year 4 lots of different parts of the world were represented; United Kingdom, USA, Ireland, Spain, Poland, Latvia, Portugal, Jamaica and the Philipines. 

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On Monday children from years 3 - 6 went to Old Trafford Cricket Ground to watch cricket and enjoy the free activities available in the ground. It was a very hot day but we really enjoyed it and loved waving our 4 and 6 cards! 



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This week, as part World Religion Week year 4 are learning about Hinduism. We started the week by learning out India where the religion began and today we began to learn about different Gods. 

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva represent the 3 different responsibilities of Brahman. To create,…

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ORGANised Sound

Before half term year 4 and 5 were invited to visit Bridgewater Hall. While we were there we learnt all about a special instrument called an organ. It is very difficult to play. The musician can use their hands and feet at the same time to create the sounds. Did you know that the organ at…

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