In Literacy we are writing suspense stories

Image of In Literacy we are writing suspense stories

We have been reading suspense stories and looking at how authors create suspense in their writing. We have gathered lots of ideas! Today we watched a spooky short film 'Alma' and we will begin writing this using the features we have been learning about. Look out for our finished pieces...let's…

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Sacramental Programme Presentation Mass

Congratulations to all the children in Year 3 who were presented in Mass today to begin the Sacramental Programme. You read the bidding prayers beautifully and with great confidence and your behaviour, as ever, was excellent. Sister Monica was very impressed by how well you participated and sang!…

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Stars of the Week

Congratulations to Alexandra and Ulysses for achieving Star of the Week this week for always following class rules. Well done!

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Science - building a mirror maze

In Science next week we will be building mirror mazes. We need shoe box sized boxes for our mazes so please look at home or ask your friends and family if they have any we could use.


Mrs Haggett

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by Holly and Atshaam

This week we have been learning about space, Egypt, subtraction and decimals. Also we have been having a lot of building work outside the year 5 windows. They have been cutting down a tree. On Friday afternoon in year 5 they are putting a new interactive whiteboard up it will be gargantuan. Also…

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Maths homework

I apologies for the problems with accessing the maths homework on the Active Learn Site. Once logged in click on the 'My stuff' tab, If no activities appear or you cannot access them try using Google chrome as your internet browser and set it to always allow pop-ups. If you are having problems and…

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Year 4 learning logs

Image of Year 4 learning logs

 Congratulations to Olivia and Ciara who both achieved the title of learning log of the week. Both used inventive ways to represent the dilemma in our current focus story in literacy. We are looking forward to seeing what children return to school next week. Who will hold the title next?

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Year 4 are swimming

Hello everyone! 

One of the most exciting events in year 4 is our weekly trip to the swimming pool. We have been twice now and we love it. Everyone is at different stages but the instructors have said that we are all doing greet and are impressed with our progress so far! Thank you to all the…

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Using QR codes as an alternative way to document our ideas

Try downloading a QR reader before parents evening, you'll then be able to scan the codes and see our work in action on your phones!!

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Mediterranean fruits

Image of Mediterranean fruits

Today in Year 3 we have been tasting fruits produced in the Mediterranean. Our Learning Challenge this week was to find out which fruits and vegetables were grown in the Mediterranean. Since we passed the challenge Mrs Haggett bought us some of the fruits in to taste. We ranked them from most to…

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Manchester United Coaching Sessions

Image of Manchester United Coaching Sessions

We are really enjoying our coaching sessions with Manchester United coaches on Wednesday afternoons. Even the City fans are getting involved!









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Welcome to Year 1L and 1H

Welcome to Year 1L.

Please take a moment to read our curriculum forecast detailing the topics we will be studying this term.



In Science we have been very busy collecting leaves falling from the trees and creating an Autumn…

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