By David K and Kojo
Last Thursday and Friday we had a mystery teacher called Mr Smith, he was a good teacher but we had a lot of fun. On Monday we did P.E and it went well.
In maths we were learning about subtraction in a written method. In Y5 we have a lot of fun and happy faces!
In R.E we did a poster about…
European Day of Languages
Last Friday was European Day of Languages and Year 4 spent the day learning about all things Danish.
We started the day by learning how to answer the register and thank our friends and teachers in Danish. To our surprise Miss Whitehead then introduced us to Danish pastry!
As you can…
Science - Making Mirror Mazes
This afternoon, Year 3 have been busy creating Mirror Mazes to investigate whether we could change the direction of light, in order to hit a specific area.
We were all proud of our efforts!
European Languages Day
Year 3 had a very busy day on Friday. We started by learning how to count, say the days of the week, months of the year and colours in Spanish. We used some songs to help us to remember. Ulysses helped us because he speaks Spanish at home.
In the afternoon we prepared our ingredients for our…
European language day 26.9.14
Alexandria: 26.9.14 We are learning some french today. So we made some crepes. We are having so much fun.
We made a poster about Paris, the capital city.
We watched a video about Barnaby bear going to Paris on the Eurostar. We saw the Eiffel tower, the Lourve and Notre…
Learning logs of the week!
This week congratulations goes to Weronika and Caitlin for achieving learning log of the week. As you can see they created their own cities in unique and inspiring ways. Great work!
Planning a Mediterranean Food Festival
We have been busy this afternoon planning for our Spanish Food Festival. First we had to research popular Spanish dishes. Next we decided which we would like to eat. Then we made a list of the ingredients we would need to make our chosen recipes. We needed to do lots of multiplications to provide…
Setting Description by Nicholas
In Year 3 we have been learning to write descriptions of contrasting settings.
Mrs Haggett was so impressed with our use of well-chosen adjectives and adverbs and adverbials of time to show passing of time and dramatic moments.
Here is one for you to read. More to follow.
I settled…
In Literacy we are writing suspense stories
We have been reading suspense stories and looking at how authors create suspense in their writing. We have gathered lots of ideas! Today we watched a spooky short film 'Alma' and we will begin writing this using the features we have been learning about. Look out for our finished pieces...let's…
Sacramental Programme Presentation Mass
Congratulations to all the children in Year 3 who were presented in Mass today to begin the Sacramental Programme. You read the bidding prayers beautifully and with great confidence and your behaviour, as ever, was excellent. Sister Monica was very impressed by how well you participated and sang!…
Stars of the Week
Congratulations to Alexandra and Ulysses for achieving Star of the Week this week for always following class rules. Well done!